Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Pox!

The plague has again descended upon our house. The background noise in our house sounds something like a TB ward. Between the phlegm, mucous, Kleenex, and the inadvertent sharing of all kinds of things, our house is a veritable playground for germs. They just thrive, then ride the merry-go-round to the next person.
For those of you who don't yet have a kid in daycare or in school, here is how it goes:
  • Your child goes to said environment in the morning
  • Your child picks up everything and puts it in their mouth
  • Your child actually licks other kids (no really, I've seen them all do it, it's not just mine)
  • Your child licks door frames, window panes, book cases, then another child does same, then it repeats
  • You come to pick up your child, who by now is completely coated in every germ known to man, including Ebola, the red plague, and dengue fever
  • You tell same child how much you've missed them, give them a quick kiss, and you're now the happy new petri dish
  • You kiss spouse hello
  • Two days later Chad is sick
  • Then Keira
  • Then Chad
  • Then Chad
  • Then Keira
  • Then Me
Wanna come over and hang out?


Deb said...

I can so relate. I have a child in daycare and we have been sick and at home for the past six days. It never seems to end and when it finally does and the child has had all the germs known to the human world, you have another child and it starts all over again.

knitting pirate librarian said...

I may not have kids, but I work with lots and lots of them. From the very small to high schoolers. The cold and flu season has caused me to become somewhat of a germaphobe and develop an addiction to hand sanitizer.

My favorite is when a kid with a cold asks to use my phone... I have seriously contemplated bringing in a wading pool to bathe in hand sanitizer.