Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Projects (or, The Myth of Getting Caught Up)

I've finished three more knitting projects, started a new knitting project, baked and iced a cake to look like a tiger, cleaned out and reclaimed a flower bed, reseeded the lawn, put in seed for herbs, and hosted a dinner party - in the past week. Why then, does it feel like I can never get anything done? Hmmm, I seem to make progress, but there's just always more.
Deciding that I simply needed to organize a bit, I thought I'd just jot down my list of projects and prioritize them - giving myself a better chance at wrapping up some things so I could get some free time.
Laughable. Simply hysterical. In fact, so funny that I feel I absolutely must share my list with you all. So, here goes. Projects that I have in the works are as follows:
  1. one knit shrug
  2. one knit hat
  3. another knit hat (this one for charity, see blog entry on my new book!)
  4. one knit baby doll coat
  5. one knit afghan (well, half of one anyway)
  6. one knit baby blanket
  7. one knit child's sweater
  8. one felted evening bag
  9. two felt advent calendars (approx 3 feet tall each!)
  10. four necklaces
  11. one mother's bracelet
  12. wrap approximately 20 Christmas gifts
  13. Keira's first scrapbook
  14. At least 5 photo albums worth of photos to organize
  15. sew a shirt
  16. sew curtains
  17. paint my bedroom
  18. redecorate my bedroom
  19. install one new set of built-in cabinets
  20. bake and ice one large sheet cake (see previous post)
  21. menu plan for birthday party (see previous post)
  22. shop and cook for birthday party (see previous post)
  23. clean up, refresh, and mulch 6 more flower beds
  24. tear out two beds, augment the soil, and replant
  25. stopped the list at this point, for reasons I hardly think need illumination.

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