Thursday, May 22, 2008

Before: Part 3

There are only four parts to the Before posts, I promise it won't go on forever. In fact, we've just completed day two of the remodel, so this post is quite late. However, moving the entire contents of one's kitchen, bathroom, and catch-all-room-o-crap (mudroom), takes up quite a bit of time. Especially if you wish to have a marginally functional existence during the project. 
So, without further ado, part 3 of our series on Why the Cerdas Are Sinking Mountains of Cash Into Their Home. I'd like to draw your attention to several aspects of the above photos. Namely:
  • That we've not been using this bathroom for many months due to the imminent migration of the toilet from the bathroom into the crawl space
  • The overall and inescapable crappiness of the bathroom in general
  • The evidence that this bathroom has had repeated and un-repaired water issues at least a handful of times over the past couple of decades
  • That the plumbing was done with putty, duct tape, and pvc (I'm not shitting you)
  • The fact that it was remodeled in the late 70's/early 80's using entirely salvaged materials (we like to think of it as green before their time)
  • Did I mention that the toilet was going to fall through the floor?
I won't bother with the final Before post until it is time to tackle the upstairs bathroom. Now, on to the During posts.

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