Wednesday, February 28, 2007


As I pumped gas today, the sign above the pump exclaims - Ham-A-Rama! Your Choice!!!
No, seriously! I can choose my Ham-a-rama -not just a ham - but a ham-a-rama all my very own? Surely, it seems just too good to be true. Oh, but it is - true that is.
Why, oh why, must people who communicate on behalf of companies and small businesses insist on making up words? It's not as if English is somehow lacking in vocabulary. That there aren't already a sufficient number of words to describe anything that could possibly come along, ever.
Are we just that bored? Are people who make signs just that ignorant of the range and depth of the words already available? Well, okay, that's actually my guess, but somehow it seems bitchy to say. Oops, I said it.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

On Mimmits, Pippers, and Beeps

Okay, day three, and already I'm a day behind. This is actually yesterday's post, but it's taken a whole day to get to my computer. Hmm, see where this is all heading, don't you?
This blog thing is kind of interesting in that it really forces you to decide which single thing you want to tell people about. It seems like the hard part should be narrowing the field. Sadly, that's not the case. After burning numerous brain cells without producing a single candidate worthy of two sentences, Keira demands that I help her with her mimmits - and it hits me. I'll be so sad when the cute baby-isms are one more thing in the rear view mirror.
Mimmits are mittens. Pippers are slippers, and beeps - well, beeps can be buttons, binkies, belly buttons, our cat Phoebe, most anything that starts with a B and doesn't merit the effort of full pronunciation. I realized how quickly she's acquiring language when my dad, my mom, and my sister respectively went from Gagum, Nagum, and Geeky to Grandpa, Grandma, and Becky within the space of one month.
Before I forget just how damn cute they all are, I thought I'd share. So, without further ado, here is the Keira Phrasebook:
Mimmits - mittens, preferably the red ones with little hearts
Faffles - waffles
Sinerds - dinosoaurs
Pippers - slippers
Beeps - buttons (as in elevator buttons), belly buttons, anything starting with a B
Yay-yo-yo - I don't know
Nack - snack
Beeebs - bib
Mommies - my breasts
Chickens - kitchen
Pretties - anything that she can put on by herself
Eeenee - Ernie from Sesame Street

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Okay, here goes. If you've found this blog already, that means that I probably clued you in to my - er, experiment. Since I'm clearly well past dreadful in the correspondence department, I thought I'd add blogging to my list of things I need to do every day that prevent me from doing anything at all, really.
I do understand that in order to drive enough traffic to the site to be able to retire in comfort, I really should make my blog "about" something - so, I have. It's about me, glorious me. Just kidding, as with everything else I undertake, I'm afraid that it will be about a little of this, a little of that. Kid, crafts, cats, friends, random bitching, you know. I'll try to post as many photos as I can, but as I currently seem to be absolutely crap at taking photos, please forgive me if there aren't any from time to time.
If you know me well enough to have my email address, send me some photos, but make sure to let me know if there are any you don't want me to share. So there, it's done, my inaugural post. Wish me luck, and drop me a line or a comment from time to time.