Thursday, January 22, 2009

And a Trollop Gave to Me

Keira, getting ready to serve appetizers she made for our friends Spencer and Elizabeth. 

It's been ages! Sorry for the long lapse, but I think the computer fry, the platform change, and then a year of remodeling left me a bit weary to add any new posts. But, I hope this means I'm back in action. 
Keira's speech hasn't improved, it's gone gang busters. There isn't much she doesn't understand, begs for more words in Japanese, and I occasionally catch her making her dolls converse in Spanish - their vocabulary is quite limited - in fact they generally converse in funny song lyrics, but they are nonetheless speaking Spanish. It's great - though it does open up some funny arguments. Nothing you can say will convince Keira that certain terms she uses are not quite right. Examples:
Snow Wife = Snow White (white makes no sense, I was told)
Play Day = Play Date (a full day is entirely necessary, nothing less will do)

My favorite, and by all means the best, is what we found she was really singing all Christmas. She L*O*V*E*D carols and still sings them. One of her favorites was The 12 Days of Christmas. As we were cooking dinner the other night I heard her singing to herself "On the fifth day of Christmas my trollop gave to me..." Trollop. I didn't even think of correcting her, it's too perfect. 

1 comment:

Suz said...

I love how kids do that! I REALLY love the 'trollop' part! It makes so much sense....