Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Certifiably Delighted

On the count of three, everyone wish me luck - I'll be needing it. In T-60 and counting, we're heading off for a week-long vacation.

With a two-year-old manager-in-training we're going to attempt:

  • two zoos

  • one farm

  • one night camping out

  • three museums

  • one national park

  • 12+ hours in the car

  • 5 picnics

  • 1 musical dinner theater show

In less than two weeks, I may be either deceased or involuntarily committed to an asylum. Any good will you have on hand would heartily be appreciated.

On a more than a little funny note, Keira has decided that the free Visit Tennessee visitor magazine is a catalog, and that she can pick anything from there and we'll go see it. She spent part of yesterday telling her teacher about all the sparkly houses we're going to go see. Miss Corrina correctly guessed that Keira was describing riverboat casinos. It makes perfect sense since Keira is convinced that we have to visit every casino in the state of Tennessee.

Wish me luck - I sure as hell am not producing any sparkly house visits.

Do I find it irksome? You betcha!

Does it get on my every last little nerve that so many people try to interview themselves? Yes, I find it incredibly irritating and more than a bit insulting to the interviewer.
Do I think that it makes the interviewee sound like an ignorant jackass? Well, however did you guess? In fact I do think it makes them appear as if they've never quite grasped the concept that the journalist asks the questions, the interviewee answers the questions.
Does it seem like something that many kindergartners could get a handle on. Well, yes, I think that could be an accurate assessment of the situation.

Yesterday, one of my coworkers had on a shirt that said Good Grammar Is Free. Amen sista.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

What Not To Wear

So, whose job is it to help elk accessorize? Because - whoever's responsibility this is, they are clearly falling down on the job. I know that the fashion trends of the 80's are reemerging, but the big, plastic, yellow bangles just aren't ready to come back yet.